Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Taking Effective Notes (MODULE 6)

Image result for taking notes

What is taking notes?😲
😎 Writing down an ideas from the lecturer and read with your own words

# Taking lecturer notes also important because it can use for revision,can preparation before quiz and exam. 

WHY take notes😢

Image result for why take notes
  • Helps us to pay attention in class - When we take a note, we will pay attention to the lecturer so that it will helps us to focus in the class
  • Helps us to study for quiz,tests and final exam- Usually the questions come from the lecturer notes
  • Helps us to improve our memory- So that we can remember in long-time memory
  • Helps us to take ownership of ideas- We can elaborate the point with our own words.
  • Helps us to engage our sense
  • Helps us organize and process data and information
  • Helps the lecturers test students on how well they captured given information

Image result for taking notes

Why review notes?
  1. We lose 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
  2. Identify any questions for peers , the next class or ask the professor
  3. There is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it is not reviewed on a regular basis
  4. Think: "If I were tested on this lecture tomorrow, would I ace it?" Make it so!
                                  *TAKE TIMES EVERYDAY TO REVIEW NOTES*

                                                                      Related image           

Before start the class👀
  • Review the notes from the day before . So that you can recall what had be learned before.
  • Review your reading assignment 
  • Make sure you have paper, text , pens/ pencils
  • Write the date at the top of your paper notes . This will help you to know when you take this note
  • Leave space between the lines so that you can add information later like the important date or others

Physical Factors
  1. Seating - Near the front and center
  2. Avoid distraction

How do we take notes?
  • Date and labels note
  • Give space to write the important date like date to pass up the assignment
  • Use abbreviations and symbols. It will make the note look interesting and helps us to read easily
  • Use our own words
  • Sitting in front of the classroom so that it allows you to see and hear better
  • Become and active listener . It will helps you to take note easier

How do we prepare for class?

👉Do pre-reading and homework
👉Review syllabus
👉Preview previous notes
👉Look up key words prior to class

While taking notes💣
Image result for ask question emoji💦 Be an aggresive ,not a passive
💦 Be a good listener
💦Ask question
💦 Sit in front of the room

Effective Note Taking System

 The cornell method

Image result for the cornell note taking system

✌ Two column method

Image result for two column method

✌Mapping method

Image result for mapping method of note taking

✌ Outlining

Image result for outline notes


Related image

How we do review after the class?

🙋Review notes along with the book
🙋Discuss and compare notes with others so that we can earn the knowledge
🙋 Re-write notes using our own words so that we can understand easily
🙋 Practice those skills you wish to develop
🙋Ask professor for clarification


Image result for sq4r reading strategy 

  • Survey - Overview : quickly scan
  • Question-Establish a purpose
  • Read- To answer question
  • Rite- Takes note
  • Review- At the short intervals
  • Recite- Answer to questions with the book closed

Activity that make in the class👇


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