Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Goal setting and learning management system (MODULE 2)

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#Goal setting is the first step in turning the invisible into visible
#Goal setting is the process for thinking about ur future

Image result for successful life quotes
What is goal?
👉👉👉  Goals are things we want to achieve . Goals are important in varsity life because they help motivate you to do work , attend classes and study for exams.

Definition of goals

 A goal is:
Image result for goal setting quotes
  • A dreams
  • Attaintable
  • Measurable
  • Has a time limit
  • In writing 
  • Within your control

Characteristics of goals
  1. Goals should be self-chosen
  2. Goals should be moderately challenging
  3. Goals should be realistic 
  4. Goals should be measurable
  5. Goals should be specific
  6. Goals should be finite
  7. Goals should be positive

What a goal should be?
😎 A goal should be SMART

                   Image result for smart goals

               Image result for smart goals

1. Specific💨 Everyting must be clearly . The 5 "W" question must considered
                       WHO, WHAT, WHERE,WHEN, WHY

2.Measurable💨 Must have criteria for measuring progress. Measurement will hold your
                          - FROM , TO

3. Attainable💨Investigating whether the goal really is acceptable to you .
                         Will help to figure out ways that can release the goals                           
                       -  HOW

4.Relevant💨Refers focusing on something that makes sense
                      with the broader goal and its the goals worthwhile                     

5. Time bound💨 You must have target time. It not to short or to long .
                              So that you know when you can celebrate success 
                            - WHEN

This characteristics of goal setting can be a reference to make a goals and achieve success

                                                 Image result for academic goals vs personal goals

Academic and Personal Goals

Academic goals👉 related with our works

Personal goals👉 related with our daily life

                                                My academic and personal goals
I want to get 3.0 pointer and above and  get dean every semester
I want to get a good job and get high salary
I want to get “Anugerah Naib Canselor” when graduate
I want to make my parents happy and proud of me
I must have a good relationship with lecturer and friends
I want to take care my parents for the rest of my life
I must attend all class early
I must save my money and buy the important things only
I have to ask lecturer if I did not understand the subject and do the revision before enter the class
I want to wake up earlier everyday
I have to be confidence to speak in front of people in the class
I have to be more hardworking
I will do the assignment early and submit on time
I want to fulfil my parents hope

                                        Image result for success goals

 5 step Approach to setting goals
  • List  what to Accomplish
  • List of obstacles
  • List of  any resources available
  • Review and revise tentative goal statement
  • Polish Goal Statement
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This is my 5 step to approach👇

My goals
💖 Get a good pointer in every semester wish is 3.5 and above
💖 Get a lable as "Anugerah Naib Canselor"
💖 Wake up early in the morning 
💖 Always do the revision and ask lecturer

My Obstacles
👿 Lazy
👿  Waste time with sosial media
👿Not really understand in english langguage
👿Very tired
👿Got distruction from others

My Resources
😄 Determind not to be lazy
😄 When study , don`t open the sosial media and put the handphone far
😄 Do revison after the class and make own words
😄 Get a bit rest
😄Study smart not study hard

My Review and Revise
💢 Practice the goals until  will achieve it
💢Struggle to success

My Polish
💭 On 2021 I will end my diploma and get (ANC) when graduate
💭I`m excited to launched dead every semester


Image result for motivation quote

Image result for successful life quotes


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