Wednesday, August 21, 2019


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              Name: Nur 'Aqilah Binti Mohamad Al Khairi
      Student id:2019275736
              Class  : Jk1d
          Lecturer: Nik Hazlan Bin Nik Hashim   
 Hi , my name is NUR `AQILAH BINTI MOHAMAD AL KHAIRI. I am from Penang. I am a student who currently study at UITM PAHANG , CAMPUS JENGKA. Now , I am being one of the undergraduate in Diploma in Wood Industry (AS117) which is under applied science. The purpose I am doing this portfolio is to introduce the student about UED 102 or well known about soft skill. UED 102 is provides students with study skills.

  • Getting ready to learn
  • Goal setting and learning management system
  • Library and campus resources
  • Time management and organization skill
  • Memory learning and improving concentration
  • Taking effective notes
  • Academic integrity and performance

So guys ! wake up from school life . Our school life is over and now we are already become a university student . So , we need to independent in every thing we do such as targets for our goals , attitude and time management

Sir Nik Hazlan and I


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