Wednesday, August 21, 2019


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              Name: Nur 'Aqilah Binti Mohamad Al Khairi
      Student id:2019275736
              Class  : Jk1d
          Lecturer: Nik Hazlan Bin Nik Hashim   
 Hi , my name is NUR `AQILAH BINTI MOHAMAD AL KHAIRI. I am from Penang. I am a student who currently study at UITM PAHANG , CAMPUS JENGKA. Now , I am being one of the undergraduate in Diploma in Wood Industry (AS117) which is under applied science. The purpose I am doing this portfolio is to introduce the student about UED 102 or well known about soft skill. UED 102 is provides students with study skills.

  • Getting ready to learn
  • Goal setting and learning management system
  • Library and campus resources
  • Time management and organization skill
  • Memory learning and improving concentration
  • Taking effective notes
  • Academic integrity and performance

So guys ! wake up from school life . Our school life is over and now we are already become a university student . So , we need to independent in every thing we do such as targets for our goals , attitude and time management

Sir Nik Hazlan and I


Getting ready to learn (MODULE 1)


 Hye and assalamualaikum . This is my first class 0f study skill (UED102). On 15 August 2019, it was my first class of study skill which is the topic getting ready to learn was conducted by Sir Nik Hazlan bin Nik Hashim.

From the class,i have met my new friends.We know about each other from the ice breaking activity.Our sir asked us to write down our name and 2 characteristics about ourself on the paper and then we make an aeroplane using that paper .

This is the game  we need to throw the aeroplane

This is an aeroplane that we have maked

From the game , I know my friend who is NUR SABRINA ALIAH BINTI JAMAL. She was so cute and she was a very happy go lucky. I am so excited when know her. We were enjoy when played the  game. This is very interesting and amazing ice breaking because I had never play this game before.

 Sabrina and I


 Learning style

Become students of university is more challenging. Making the move from high school to university is not an a easy. School life and university life is totally different. They need to make a new friends , new life and new place. Other than that , they have to know many things and adapt with the university life. As you know , there are a lot of students in  university that do not know how to manage their self in university life. So , at the university , the students must be more matured and indipendents. This is because , there are a lot differences between school and university. From this topic , I have learnt different between school life and varsity life. This is some different between school and university.

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Different between school and university

If you know life in university is easy if we know how to manage it well. In the university , student spend more of their time studying outside class than inside class . This is because the timetable is not pack. But at school , the student definitely will spend most of their time inside the class. Futhermore , at university , there did not have any uniform , so that student can wear anyting that the want by following " Pemakaian Sahsiah Rupa Diri" but at school , the student must wear the school uniform . Other than that , at university student have to manage and control their own time schedule but at school , parents , teachers and people in charge manage and control student time. Moreover , at university student must balance their responsibilities and set their own priorities but at school , their parents and teachers will remind them of their responsibilities and help to manage them. Then , at university , student have to decide which classes and teachers to sign up for and counselors are by choice . But at school ,  teachers ,classes and counselors are assinged.

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8 steps to university success

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~Attend all class
To be success , student must attend to the class early before the class start . This is because they wont miss the lesson and most the important questions is come for lecturer

~Become an active learner
To make the lesson long term memory , the student must write and recite the information not only read the book and notes only after the class

~Participate in class
Be an active student in the class such as ask the lecturer question if did not understand or being respond to the lecturer in the class

~Got to know your lecturer
As a good student , we  must know our  lecturer and their name

~Forms study group with friends
This is one of the strategy to successs. When we do study group , student can easily remember and understand the lesson easily and if they did not understand the lesson , their frinds can help.

~Stay up to date with your works
As a student , we cannot procrastinated our works. So , we can catch up our study and can stay up to date

~Be receptive to change
Student need to some change in the study strategies . If we not doing the changes ,  we cannot see how our performance being

~Work hard every semester
As a student , work hard every semester is the important things . This is because , they will score the best pointer in every semester and can archieve their goals.

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Characteristics of learner visual , audiotory and kinesthetic

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Usually visual person  need to see information. If you are the visual person , you may have a good visualization skills and can remember the objects , pictures and shapes , The visual person will learn by video , films and others. They can see the pictures on their minds. Visual learner are prefer to use images , maps and graphic organizes to acsess and understand.  Visual learner  usually  like to take a note. They usually take a detail notes from lecturer . Then , they also like images .They like to see reather than listen.Lastly , they like to sees  to learn. They learn by seeing things. They like to take in informating by reading or diagram.

As you know audio learner need to hear information . If you are the audiotory learner , you may have a good ear. Usually , the audiotory learner will rember what the lecturer say. They are the best understand new contant through listening and speaking. They also can focus easily on sound and have good memory of what they have heard through lecturer.

• Kinesthetic
A kinesthetic learner need to be physically active and do things. Usually , If you are the kinesthetic styles , you are a hands on learns . Usually they generally have an active what to learning. The kinesthetic  actively exploring the physical world around them . They usually prefer

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From the test , the height score that i get is visual. This is show that i learn by seeing pictures.

So now, we know our study style. If you want to be success, the best strategy is to combine audiotory , visual and kinesthetic learning into your study plan. Using this combination , it will strenghten your ability to retain information.

Here are some tips
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i. Visual
  • Create mind maps , flow chats or anything using bright colour
  • Rewrite your notes using different colour pen
  • Highlight the key words using different colour
  • Make your notes colourful . This will make you to remember the key words from the colour
ii .Audiotory
  • After you read the book , summarize the information using your own words
  • Make a group study with your friends and discuss the material that you had learnt
iii. Kinesthetic
  • When do study group , ask your friends to make some activities about the topic 
  • Make a flsh cards 

Goal setting and learning management system (MODULE 2)

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#Goal setting is the first step in turning the invisible into visible
#Goal setting is the process for thinking about ur future

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What is goal?
👉👉👉  Goals are things we want to achieve . Goals are important in varsity life because they help motivate you to do work , attend classes and study for exams.

Definition of goals

 A goal is:
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  • A dreams
  • Attaintable
  • Measurable
  • Has a time limit
  • In writing 
  • Within your control

Characteristics of goals
  1. Goals should be self-chosen
  2. Goals should be moderately challenging
  3. Goals should be realistic 
  4. Goals should be measurable
  5. Goals should be specific
  6. Goals should be finite
  7. Goals should be positive

What a goal should be?
😎 A goal should be SMART

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               Image result for smart goals

1. Specific💨 Everyting must be clearly . The 5 "W" question must considered
                       WHO, WHAT, WHERE,WHEN, WHY

2.Measurable💨 Must have criteria for measuring progress. Measurement will hold your
                          - FROM , TO

3. Attainable💨Investigating whether the goal really is acceptable to you .
                         Will help to figure out ways that can release the goals                           
                       -  HOW

4.Relevant💨Refers focusing on something that makes sense
                      with the broader goal and its the goals worthwhile                     

5. Time bound💨 You must have target time. It not to short or to long .
                              So that you know when you can celebrate success 
                            - WHEN

This characteristics of goal setting can be a reference to make a goals and achieve success

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Academic and Personal Goals

Academic goals👉 related with our works

Personal goals👉 related with our daily life

                                                My academic and personal goals
I want to get 3.0 pointer and above and  get dean every semester
I want to get a good job and get high salary
I want to get “Anugerah Naib Canselor” when graduate
I want to make my parents happy and proud of me
I must have a good relationship with lecturer and friends
I want to take care my parents for the rest of my life
I must attend all class early
I must save my money and buy the important things only
I have to ask lecturer if I did not understand the subject and do the revision before enter the class
I want to wake up earlier everyday
I have to be confidence to speak in front of people in the class
I have to be more hardworking
I will do the assignment early and submit on time
I want to fulfil my parents hope

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 5 step Approach to setting goals
  • List  what to Accomplish
  • List of obstacles
  • List of  any resources available
  • Review and revise tentative goal statement
  • Polish Goal Statement
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This is my 5 step to approach👇

My goals
💖 Get a good pointer in every semester wish is 3.5 and above
💖 Get a lable as "Anugerah Naib Canselor"
💖 Wake up early in the morning 
💖 Always do the revision and ask lecturer

My Obstacles
👿 Lazy
👿  Waste time with sosial media
👿Not really understand in english langguage
👿Very tired
👿Got distruction from others

My Resources
😄 Determind not to be lazy
😄 When study , don`t open the sosial media and put the handphone far
😄 Do revison after the class and make own words
😄 Get a bit rest
😄Study smart not study hard

My Review and Revise
💢 Practice the goals until  will achieve it
💢Struggle to success

My Polish
💭 On 2021 I will end my diploma and get (ANC) when graduate
💭I`m excited to launched dead every semester


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